Pooling water due to Depression on Road at 10424 145 Street NW

CLOSED . - 8 months ago #8025004136
Submitted Tue Jun 13, 2023

Is there a catch basin nearby: No

Type of Road: Alley

Traveling Direction: Multiple Directions

Lane: Centre

Accessibility/disability issue? no

address: 10424 145 STREET NW

coordinates x,y: 28416.613353148285, 5935009.306131226

coordinates lat,lng: 53.54718474300464, -113.571254709936

Timestamp Description
Fri Dec 01, 2023 06:12am Closed
Tue Jun 13, 2023 04:38pm Opened
Tue Jun 13, 2023 04:38pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone