Sports Field Maintenance at 10545 92 St NW

CLOSED . - 10 months ago #8025064085
Submitted Thu Jun 29, 2023

Where: Sports Field - Other

Issue: Broken Backstop

Area? (e.g. SW corner): swc of the field

Sports Field: None of the above

Accessibility/disability issue? no

Related Ticket:

address: 10558 92 STREET NW

coordinates x,y: 34634.28030507889, 5935564.457479632

coordinates lat,lng: 53.5518, -113.477386

Timestamp Description
Tue Sep 26, 2023 09:00am Closed
Thu Jun 29, 2023 01:06pm Opened
Thu Jun 29, 2023 01:05pm Submitted via Web Web