Sports Field Maintenance at Carlisle Community League, 14240 117 St Nw, Edmonton T5 X 4 N6

CLOSED . - 11 months ago #8025277658
Submitted Tue Sep 05, 2023

Where: Ball Diamond-Grass

Issue: Broken Bench

Area? (e.g. SW corner): Between 3rd base and home

Sports Field: None of the above

Accessibility/disability issue? no

Inside Park: Carlisle Park

Related Ticket: 8025284147

address: 14240 117 STREET NW

coordinates x,y: 31443.12472807952, 5941494.903081645

coordinates lat,lng: 53.605289, -113.52494

Timestamp Description
Thu Sep 07, 2023 08:10am Closed
Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:42pm Opened
Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:42pm Submitted via Web Web