Noxious Weeds - Public Property at 20501 56 Avenue NW

CLOSED Citizen Complied - 10 months ago #8025344812
Submitted Wed Sep 27, 2023

Where: Rough Grass/Tree Stands/Off Leash

Related Ticket: 8025365044

address: 20501 56 AVENUE NW

coordinates x,y: 21544.062765223764, 5928753.400946259

coordinates lat,lng: 53.49129718090933, -113.6753745179776

Timestamp Description
Wed Oct 04, 2023 02:43pm Closed with status: Citizen Complied
Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:37pm Reopened
Wed Sep 27, 2023 02:33pm Closed with status: 311 Redirecting to Other Business Area
Wed Sep 27, 2023 01:20pm Opened
Wed Sep 27, 2023 01:20pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone