Overgrown Trees - Public Property at 10904 146 Street NW

CLOSED Citizen Complied - 9 months ago #8025400286
Submitted Wed Oct 18, 2023

Issue: Pruning Request

address: 10904 146 STREET NW

coordinates x,y: 28304.153397680184, 5936040.687422202

coordinates lat,lng: 53.55645844120853, -113.5728581189798

Timestamp Description
Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:42am Closed with status: Citizen Complied
Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:36am Reopened
Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:55pm Closed with status: Deferred-Future Work Planned.
Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:42pm Opened
Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:42pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone