Noxious Weeds - Public Property at 1140 Keswick Drive SW

CLOSED 311 Redirecting to Other Business Area - 8 months ago #8025469545
Submitted Tue Nov 14, 2023

Where: Roads/Trails/Parking Lots

Accessibility/disability issue? yes

address: 1140 KESWICK DRIVE SW

coordinates x,y: 25322.027664523695, 5920540.725886709

coordinates lat,lng: 53.4173312, -113.6191104

Timestamp Description
Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:52am Closed with status: 311 Redirecting to Other Business Area
Tue Nov 14, 2023 02:30pm Opened
Tue Nov 14, 2023 02:29pm Submitted via Android Android