Pooling water due to Depression on Road at 11904 104 Avenue NW

CLOSED Non-City Service or Location - 5 months ago #8025689693
Submitted Sat Feb 17, 2024

Is there a catch basin nearby: Unknown

Type of Road: Alley

Traveling Direction: Eastbound

Lane: Multiple Lanes

Related Ticket: 8025722881

address: 11904 104 AVENUE NW

coordinates x,y: 31134.966116772088, 5935091.607486131

coordinates lat,lng: 53.54777021617366, -113.5302339000632

Timestamp Description
Mon Mar 04, 2024 07:55am Closed with status: Non-City Service or Location
Sat Feb 17, 2024 01:21pm Opened
Sat Feb 17, 2024 01:21pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone