Pooling water due to Depression on Road at 7000 143 Street NW

CLOSED . - 5 months ago #8025691274
Submitted Sun Feb 18, 2024

Is there a catch basin nearby: No

Type of Road: Collector - links residential to arterial

Traveling Direction: Eastbound

Lane: Shared Use Path

Related Ticket:

address: 7000 143 STREET NW

coordinates x,y: 28664.81609917794, 5930288.122740251

coordinates lat,lng: 53.50474821879441, -113.5679419163794

Timestamp Description
Tue Feb 20, 2024 07:22am Closed
Sun Feb 18, 2024 03:14pm Opened
Sun Feb 18, 2024 03:13pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone