Pooling water due to Depression on Road at 2512 Bell Court SW

CLOSED Duplicate Request Exists - 5 months ago #8025703835
Submitted Sat Feb 24, 2024

Is there a catch basin nearby: No

Type of Road: Residential

Traveling Direction: Westbound

Lane: Right

Accessibility/disability issue? yes

address: 2512 BELL COURT SW

coordinates x,y: 32342.435199217238, 5920679.048936195

coordinates lat,lng: 53.4181907, -113.51350017

Timestamp Description
Mon Feb 26, 2024 07:09am Closed with status: Duplicate Request Exists
Sat Feb 24, 2024 01:53pm Opened
Sat Feb 24, 2024 01:53pm Submitted via Android Android