Windrows at 10119 135 Ave NW

CLOSED This request is for an issue previously reported and is open. Use the related ticket number below at for updates. - 5 months ago #8025722922
Submitted Mon Mar 04, 2024

Blocking: Residential Driveway

Height in cm? 61

Traveling Direction: Eastbound

Accessibility/disability issue? yes

Related Ticket: 8025722881

address: 10119 135 AVENUE NW

coordinates x,y: 33411.11355876068, 5940559.250287304

coordinates lat,lng: 53.59676, -113.495308

Timestamp Description
Mon Mar 04, 2024 08:14am Opened
Mon Mar 04, 2024 08:14am Closed with status: This request is for an issue previously reported and is open. Use the related ticket number below at for updates.
Mon Mar 04, 2024 08:13am Submitted via Web Web