Sports Field Maintenance at Shauna May Seneca School, 2130 Wonnacott Way Sw, Edmonton T6 X 2 H9

CLOSED . - 2 months ago #8025856738
Submitted Wed Apr 24, 2024

Where: Jump Pit

Issue: Uneven Surface

Area? (e.g. SW corner): Unsure which corner

Sports Field: None of the above

Accessibility/disability issue? no

Related Ticket: 8025958080

address: 2130 WONNACOTT WAY SW

coordinates x,y: 38069.39129939802, 5919973.062725942

coordinates lat,lng: 53.411465, -113.427444

Timestamp Description
Mon May 27, 2024 07:54am Closed
Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:08am Opened
Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:06am Submitted via Web Web