Sports Field Maintenance at 6510 Ellerslie Road SW

CLOSED about 1 month ago #8025915758
Submitted Mon May 13, 2024

Where: Ball Diamond-Shale

Issue: Uneven Surface

Area? (e.g. SW corner): All shake is uneven, and rock hard.

Sports Field: None of the above

Accessibility/disability issue? yes

address: 6510 ELLERSLIE ROAD SW

coordinates x,y: 37292.453514324676, 5921708.592249534

coordinates lat,lng: 53.42711533486499, -113.4389231140394

Timestamp Description
Wed Jun 12, 2024 08:56am Closed
Mon May 13, 2024 07:09pm Opened
Mon May 13, 2024 07:08pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone